Originally delivered on 9/4/2023 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | No School Today

Weekly Flash

September 4, 2023


  • Updates from Principal Hudspeth 
    • CARES Assemblies, Open House info, Drop Off Reminder
  • Redistricting conversation Tuesday
  • PTA Meeting Friday
  • Author Visit - book orders due Fri
  • Picture Day
  • Volunteer for School Climate and Diversity Week committees
  • Diversity Week preview
  • Harvest Faire Raffle ideas needed
  • Cub Scouts Open House Friday
  • September 4 - NO SCHOOL
  • September 5 - Board of Education Conversation 7:30pm @FLHS (watch here)
  • September 8 - PTA Meeting 9:30am in the APR | Cub Scouts 6:30pm
  • September 11 - Picture Day
  • September 13 - Open House 6:30pm
  • September 19 - Early Dismissal @1:40pm
  • September 21 - Author Visit with Kelly Bennett
  • September 25 - NO SCHOOL
  • September 29 - Diversity Day | Spirit Day

Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!

Dear OHS Families,


I hope the first week of school went well for your child(ren)!  Our teachers focused heavily on building connections with students and between students this week.  I hope you heard positive reports of establishing relationships in the classroom with peers and staff.

CARES Assemblies

We had our first CARES Assemblies of the year on Wednesday morning. It was a treat to all be together. We read the book Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller.  As we read the book, we talked about the ways we hope “otters” treat us.  Students provided lots of ideas including sharing with friends, helping a friend to the nurse, providing help even when someone does not ask, saying “hello,” “please,” and “thank you” to name a few.  We all agreed everyone at OHS deserves to feel safe and be treated with kindness.  We want to “Treat otters better than how we want to be treated.”


Thank you, PTA!

As the staff worked hard before school started to setup the school properly for opening, the PTA treated us to lunch on Monday of sandwiches and salads after delicious coffee in the morning.  On Monday evening, the school was brightened with chalk the walk, balloons, and a welcome sign in preparation for everyone’s first day on Tuesday.  Thank you to Brittany Holzhauer, Lauren Petruccelli, and Courtney Cataldo, for all the planning that went into the different elements of the day and to all the PTA volunteers for their contributions of time and food.  We are so lucky to have an active and thoughtful PTA at OHS.  


Open House

Open House will be in the evening of Wednesday, September 13th from 6:30-7:30 pm.  We will start off directly in the classrooms at 6:30 with a welcome video and then a presentation from the classroom teacher.  If you have multiple children at OHS, you will be able to shift to another classroom at around 7:00 to see the room and meet the teacher.   The evening is meant to be a chance to see the classroom, learn about what the year will be like for your child, and meet the teacher.  It is not appropriate to speak specifically about your child with the teacher that evening as there will be many families and privacy will be a concern.  Feel free to reach out to the teacher at a different time for specific information about your individual child.  Looking forward to a fun night together.


Drop Off Reminder

Please note that we cannot have students dropped off at school prior to 8:45am, unless they are signed up for ECC Aftercare.  We do not have staff on duty until 8:45.  Thank you for your consideration of this.


I hope you enjoy the long, Labor Day weekend!


First PTA meeting is this Friday

Join us on Friday, September 8 at 9:30am in the APR for our first PTA meeting of the year. Learn about our plans for the Harvest Faire, Diversity Week, and much more! Mr. H will join us with some school updates and we have lots of announcements and things to celebrate as a community. Our meeting schedule for the rest of the school year can be found on our website.

Author Kelly Bennett Visits OHS September 21

OHS is starting the school year off with a K-5 visit from an award-winning children's author, and grandmother of OHS students, Dylan and Aiden Cummings. Kelly Bennett's books celebrate imagination, families, friends, pets, and all that comes with being a child. To learn more about Kelly Bennett, visit her website kellybennett.com


Interested in an autographed book? 

Click here to order a copy

**Orders are due by Friday, September 8th.**


Questions? Contact Kate Fierman.

Recommended Titles for Grades 3-5:

  • Spider Spins a Story, 14 Legends from Native America  
  • The House That Ruth Built

Grades K-2:

  • Vampire Baby
  • Not Norman, A Goldfish Story 
  • Norman One Amazing Goldfish
Picture Day is next Monday!

Smile! Picture Day is Monday, September 11. You have exactly one week to think about what your kid(s) should wear for Picture Day - and while you're thinking about that, might as well order your school portraits too:

  • Visit www.coffeepond.com and click on the big red button "Order School Portraits & shop our exclusive products".
  • From the drop-down menu, select the city and state, and school name.
  • Enter your child's info (full name should appear as in the school's registry)
  • Select your packages and add them to your cart.
  • More than one kid? Click "Order for Another Child" and repeat steps above.
  • Once you added your billing info, click "Submit Order".


Questions? Email Alison O'Connor.

Committee Volunteers Needed

We are still looking a few more volunteers to round out our committees for the year:

School Climate Committee Representative:

The school administration has asked the PTA to appoint a parent representative to work directly with the faculty to focus on School Climate initiatives: essentially creating supportive learning environments and focusing on the quality and character of school life with a particular focus on the quality of relationships within the school community.

Diversity Week Committee:

We are in need of 1- 2 more volunteers to be part of the Diversity Week Committee.  Ideally these volunteers would be parents of students in younger grades as our current committee will be moving on to middle school and we would love for our new members to learn and support this year's event and take over for next year.   Diversity Week will be held at the end of September this year.  

If you are interested please contact Courtney Cataldo.

OHS Celebrates Diversity: More Variety, Better Society!

Our OHS PTA is excited to bring back Diversity Week!  Restored to its original format at the end of September, we will kick off this new year of school events by celebrating the variety in our society and in our OHS community.  Over the course of the week of September 26th, our dedicated K-5 teachers will impart thoughtful mini-lessons designed to foster awareness and acceptance of our diversity in its many forms. 

As per tradition, grades 3, 4, and 5 will close out the week with Diversity Day, set for Friday, September 29th.  Please mark your calendars!  This exciting day consists of an insightful presentation for grades 4 and 5 with returning guest speaker Ryan Martin of RMF, as well as fun and interactive stations activities for grades 3 and 5, which are run by YOU – our wonderful parent volunteers!  More information to come, so please stay tuned!!


With thanks for your support,

The Diversity Committee

Harvest Faire Raffle Ideas

Mark your calendars - the Harvest Faire is Saturday, October 7th!

We are beginning to collect for our annual raffle! If you have any contributions or ideas please reach out to Ali Galperin or Eileen Ainsworth.

1. Deadline for raffle ideas / prizes - Friday, September 15th

2. Physical items for raffle deadline - Sunday, October 1st

Have a basket?

We are also in need of baskets for some of the raffle prizes. Any teachers or families with baskets can drop off in the main office for the committee to pick up.

After-School Activities Soon!

After-school activities registration information is coming SOON! Check back next week for more info. In the mean time, make sure you're signed up for the PTA so your student is eligible!

Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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