Originally delivered on 10/30/2023 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | Happy Halloween!

Weekly Flash

October 30, 2023


  • Updates from Principal Hudspeth 
    • Halloween parades info, two days off next week
  • Picture Retakes on Wednesday
  • Donate items for the Turkey Trot Food Drive
  • Contribute to our Operation Hope fundraiser
This Week
  • October 31 -Halloween Parades 
    • K: 9:30am | Grades 1-5: 2:30pm
  • November 1 - Picture Retakes
  • November 1-17 - Turkey Trot Food Drive
Coming Soon
  • November 7 - NO SCHOOL
  • November 10 - NO SCHOOL
  • November 17 - Spirit Day, PTA meeting @9:30am 
  • November 21 - Turkey Trot
  • November 22 -Early Dismissal @1:40
  • November 23-24 - NO SCHOOL

Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!

Dear OHS Families,


Thank you for your participation in conferences this past week. I know the teachers worked hard to make them informative and beneficial to you.  The communication between home and school is vital and we appreciate all that you share throughout the year. We will be finishing conferences up on November 7th

Halloween Parades – Tuesday, Oct 31st

There will be two Halloween parades on Tuesday, October 31st:

  1. Our kindergarteners will have a parade around the outside of the school at 9:30 am.  Students in the other grades will stand outside their exterior classroom doors to cheer on our kindergarteners.  Family members of our kindergarteners can stand in front of the school to see the parade.  K students can come to school in costumes, keeping masks and other parts in bags.
  2. Our parade for students in grades 1-5 will begin at 2:30 pm. The parade will run the full length of the front of the school.  Students in grades 1-5 will have a little time before the parade to put on costumes.  Please think about costumes that will allow students the ability to manage on their own. 

Please keep in mind we cannot have toys shaped as any sort of weapon - e.g. a pretend gun, sword, knife, sickle, pitchfork, etc. Please save those for neighborhood trick-or-treating. Also, please make sure that any masks allow for proper visibility. For anyone who chooses not to wear a costume, which is completely fine, I would encourage the wearing of school colors, spirit wear, or Halloween colors. 


No School for Students on 11/7 and 11/10

Next week is going to include two days with no school for students.  On Tuesday, 11/7 (Election Day), we will be finishing up our family-teacher conferences in the afternoon after a morning professional development session for staff.  On Friday, 11/10, we will be out of school in recognition of Veterans Day. 


Have a great week,


Wednesday is Picture Retake Day

Not thrilled with your school photo? Don't worry - Picture Retake Day is on Wednesday, November 1. All you need to do is bring in your undamaged portrait package for the photographer (you can keep the class photo). If you have any specific instructions for the photographer, write them down so they show through the envelope window. Retake photos should be available in 3-5 weeks.

Questions? Contact Coffee Pond

Donate Food or Funds to our Thanksgiving charity drives

We have two opportunities for the Osborn Hill community to support our neighbors in need ahead of Thanksgiving:

1. Turkey Trot Food Drive

The Turkey Trot Food Drive starts Wednesday through November 17th! Bring in non-perishable goods to be donated to Operation Hope. Last year, they were blown away by our support. Donations can be brought to your child’s classroom. The classroom with the most items will receive gift cards to 16 Handles!

What to donate: 

Questions? Contact Kate Fierman and Courtney Cataldo

2. Contribute money towards a meal at Operation Hope

Hello Osborn Families,

The season of giving is upon us and we could really use your help.  Our school will be providing a meal for people in need at Operation Hope the week of Thanksgiving. At this point in time, we are looking for monetary donations to make this meal possible. Any amount you can give will be appreciated.  No donation too small!  

  • We are accepting donations through Venmo to @MegHorn437 (6773) or @Katharine-Kirk-2 (3652).
  • If you are sending in cash or gift cards, please send them in an envelope marked, “Operation Hope.” 

Contributions will be accepted until November 17. Thank you so much for your support,

Meg Horn and Kate Kirk

Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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