Originally delivered on 11/6/2023 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | No School Tuesday and Friday!

Weekly Flash

November 6, 2023


  • Updates from Principal Hudspeth 
    • Two days off this week, Chronic Absenteeism goals
  • Sweetheart Dance collecting extra Halloween Candy
  • Send Yearbook your Halloween OHS photos
  • Donate items for the Turkey Trot Food Drive
  • Last chance for Lost & Found items
  • Contribute to help OHS provide a meal to Operation Hope
  • Have an incoming kindergartener? Tell the office!
This Week
  • November 7 - NO SCHOOL
  • November 10 - NO SCHOOL
  • Through Nov. 17 - Turkey Trot Food Drive
Coming Up
  • November 17 - Spirit Day, PTA meeting @9:30am 
  • November 21 - Turkey Trot
  • November 22 -Early Dismissal @1:40
  • November 23-24 - NO SCHOOL

Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!

Dear OHS Families,

It was wonderful seeing so many of you at the Halloween parades last week.  Thank you for making it a special day at our school. 

No School for Students on 11/7 and 11/10

This week we have two days with no school for students.  On Tuesday, 11/7 (Election Day), we will be finishing up our family-teacher conferences in the afternoon after a morning professional development session for staff.  On Friday, 11/10, we will be out of school in recognition of Veterans Day. 

Chronic Absenteeism

One of the goals of the district this year is to lower the absenteeism of students in the district.  Chronic Absenteeism is defined as any student missing more than 10% of the total number of days of school to date, whether they are excused or unexcused.  Last Thursday, we pulled the names of students currently with a number of absences to constitute chronic absenteeism.  This was the 45th day of school, so students with 5 or more absences would fit the definition of 10% or more of the year.  As of last Wednesday, we had 28 students reach this definition, about 6.3% of our students.  Our goal is to have 6% or less of students be chronically absent by the end of the year, so we are off to a good start (16 fewer kids than last year at this time).  

Of course it is important to keep students home when sick but please do your best to limit the number of days students are kept home for avoidable reasons.  If you are having trouble with your child not wanting to come to school, please let me know so we can support you.  

For those currently at the chronically absent level, families will be receiving letters. Please know that this is a changing list.  As we move through more days of the school year, many of the students currently on the list will go below the 10% threshold and no longer meet the definition.  Please reach out with any questions or needs.

Diwali Begins this Week

Diwali begins this week and we have many families in our community celebrating.  Wishing everyone celebrating a joyful Diwali and may it bring light, happiness, and prosperity! 

Veterans Day

I want to extend a warm thank you to veterans in our community and in your families. This is a special week to appreciate those who bravely risked their lives and gave of their precious time in support of protecting our country.  How fitting that election day should be the same week, as it is one of our country’s rights that is so important to defend.

Please be sure to vote on Tuesday!  Have a great week,


Too much candy? We'll take some!

The Sweetheart Dance Committee would love to take any extra Halloween candy off your hands! You can drop it off in the box in the main office all this week. 

Save the Date

The Sweetheart Dance will be on February 3. Did you know you can see the dates for this year's scheduled events on our website? You can find the calendar under the "School Info" tab.

Send Yearbook your Halloween Photos

We know there were some great photo opportunities at OHS on Halloween - and we'd love to feature some in the yearbook!  Email your favorite shots from school Halloween parties or the parade to ohsottersyearbook@gmail.com.  Please include the names, grades, and/or classes of the students featured.  Thanks!

Turkey Trot Food Drive

The Turkey Trot Food Drive runs through November 17th! Bring in non-perishable goods to be donated to Operation Hope. Last year, they were blown away by our support. Donations can be brought to your child’s classroom. The classroom with the most items will receive gift cards to 16 Handles!

What to donate: 

Questions? Contact Kate Fierman and Courtney Cataldo

Last Chance for Lost & Found Items


Please remember to mark your children’s clothing with their initials or first name so I can get it back to them when left behind outside or in the school. All the below items are on our lost and found table and will be donated by Monday of Thanksgiving week if not claimed because they have no names on them.  If you recognize anything, please either have your child pick it up or email me (description, color and child’s name and I will get it to them).  Before sending hats, gloves, coats, or sweatshirts please label them.  


Mrs. Budlowski

Help us provide a meal for Operation Hope

As we do every year, our school will be providing a meal for people in need at Operation Hope. This year our date coincides with the week of Thanksgiving. We are looking for monetary donations to make this meal possible.  No donation is too small - just $5 per family will help us surpass our goal!

  • We are accepting donations through Venmo to @MegHorn437 (6773) or @Katharine-Kirk-2 (3652).
  • If you are sending in cash or gift cards, please send them in an envelope marked, “Operation Hope.” 

Contributions will be accepted until November 17. Thank you so much for your support,

Meg Horn and Kate Kirk

Attention Incoming Kindergarteners!

The office is compiling an email list of incoming kindergarten students for next fall. If you will have a kindergartener for the next school year, please either:

  • Email TBudlowski@fairfieldschools.org with your future KDG student’s name, date of birth, your address, your best contact phone number, and the preschool they attend
  • Call the school office at 203-255-8340 extension 1 so the registration procedures can be emailed to you in January.

Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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