Dear OHS Families,
It was a busy end of the week with our 100th day celebrations leading into the Sweetheart Dance on Saturday.
Sweetheart Dance Thank You
Our APR was beautifully transformed into a winter landscape on Saturday for the Sweetheart Dance. It was a fun night of dancing, treats, crafts, games, and a photo booth. We had many volunteers, including family members and high school volunteers, who handled all the setup, provided treats, worked all the stations, and ran the photo booth. The organizers, Rebecca Hasiotis, Marcia Lyman, Livia Gillespie, and Eva Elinskas, had it all under control, ensuring a magical evening for our students and their families. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the Sweetheart Dance, making it a memorable experience for all.
School Dismissal Manager for Absences
School Dismissal Manager is new for us this year and you have done a wonderful job in transitioning to it for reporting dismissal plans. It is also possible to report absences in the same system if you prefer that to calling our absentee line. Feel free to use it that way as well!
Chronic Absenteeism Reminder
On the topic of absences, we will be sending out chronic absenteeism letters this week for students who have missed 10% or more of school days so far this year. Since we just passed the 100th day, it will be for students who have missed 11 or more school days. As of this weekend, we have 9.4% of students at the chronically absent level. Last year we ended the year with 6.6% of students at this level. We are trying to lower that to 6.0% by the end of this year. Since we have 182 school days in the year, once a student is absent 19 or more times, they are chronically absent for the year. Here is the Attendance Policy Handbook with more information (page 4 has a nice summary). Thank you for your efforts in making sure our students are here for instruction as consistently as possible.
Have a great week,