Originally delivered on 4/22/2024 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | Run Club is back this Friday!

Weekly Flash

April 22, 2024


  • Updates from Principal Hudspeth
  • Run Club returns Friday at 8am
  • Get your tickets to the OHS Parents Night Out Derby party
  • Meet the School Resource Officer at our PTA Meeting Friday @9:30am
  • Put your hat in the ring for next school year's PTA board
  • Drop off cans and bottles outside the office for the 5th grade service project
  • Volunteer to help prepare students' pieces for the Art Show
  • Bike Bus is May 8th - sign up to ride
  • April 26 - PTA Meeting, 9:30am
  • April 26 - Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
  • April 27 - Variety Show 11:30am @ Black Rock Church
  • April 30 - Early Dismissal @1:40pm
Looking Ahead
  • May 4 - Parents Night Out, 5-8pm
  • May 6-9: Book Fair
  • May 7: Art Show Grades 3-5, 6-8pm
  • May 8: Bike Bus
  • May 8-9: New Kindergartener Orientation
  • May 13-17: Teacher Appreciation Week
  • May 16: Spring Concert Grades 4-5
  • May 17Walk-a-thon
  • May 23: Field Day

**Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!**

Dear OHS Families,

I hope you all enjoyed the break this past week and that our students and staff come back refreshed and ready to jump into the end of year work to be done! 


Passover Begins

Passover begins tonight and I want to wish everyone celebrating a Happy Passover. 


SBA Starting This Week

Our grade 3, 4, and 5 students will be jumping into the Smarter Balanced Assessments within the next two weeks. These are the assessments used by the state of Connecticut as a measure for how schools are performing.  The assessments are for students in grades 3-8  and focus on English Language Arts (ELA) and Math.  Below shows our schedule for the testing weeks of each grade level.  It is imperative that students charge their Chromebooks each night when it is their weeks to test.  Please help remind your child to plug them in each night.  We also ask that you encourage your child to get a good night of sleep and a solid breakfast on testing days.  Here is the schedule:

  • Week of 4/22 – Grade 4 and Grade 5 ELA
  • Week of 4/29 -  Grade 3 ELA
  • Week of 5/6 – Grade 3 Math and start Grade 4 Math
  • Week of 5/13 – Grade 5 Math and finish Grade 4 Math
  • Week of 5/20 – Grade 5 NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

School Climate Survey for Parents/Guardians

Before break, the district sent out the annual School Climate Survey for parents/guardians to complete to help in our planning for climate work in our community.  Your responses are important to help us determine where we should focus our energy in the work.  This year, we showed students some of the data in our CARES assemblies and it made quite the impression on the work we all need to do to help one another feel supported and part of our community.  Please take a moment to complete the survey and we ask that you answer honestly: Parent/Guardian Climate Survey 2023-24.  Thank you for your attention to this. The survey is open until Friday, May 3rd.


Thank you, Mrs. Budlowski!

This week is Administrative Assistant Day and it is a great time to celebrate and thank Terry Budlowski for all her work for our school as head secretary, supporting students, staff, and families each day.  As much as you probably think she does, I can guarantee she does even more than you are imagining. Terry is a key person to our school and to its smooth running each day.


Mrs. Budlowski is supported each day by Donna Callahan and Jessica Gerber.  Donna and Jessica have primary responsibilities that are significant each day and are willing to help out in many ways around the school as needed.  We are truly lucky to have this kind and hard-working crew in our office.


I am looking forward to the Variety Show this coming Saturday and appreciate all the work by organizers, volunteers, and performers to make it special.


Have a great start to the week,


Run Club is back! Join the pack Friday mornings

Run Club returns for the spring this Friday, and runs through May 31. Warm up begins at 8am on the back blacktop behind the gym.  Please bring a change of socks and shoes as the field may be damp.  

What happens at Run Club?

We will do a quick warm up and then the kids will run (or walk) on the back field. We will finish with a cool down and stretch and be ready for the first bell at 8:45. No running experience necessary. Our Run Club is all about getting our kids outside, moving their bodies and having fun. Each week our runners will collect motivational tokens for their participation.

How do I sign up?

If you signed up in the fall, you do not have to sign up again! New runners can sign up by clicking here. To participate in Run Club you MUST have a current family PTA membership. 

Please note that there is no access to the school during Run Club. All runners are expected to stay on the back field with the group during Run Club.  If your child is comfortable and fully engaged in the program, you may drop off. Parents are encouraged to participate if they would like to join.  A change of shoes is recommended on Run Club days.    

Any questions? Contact Courtney Cataldo.

Get your tickets for the Parents Night Out

Grab your fascinators and saddle up for our Kentucky Derby party!

The OHS Parents Night Out is Saturday, May 4 from 5-8pm at Fit Club Lounge. Tickets are $40 a person and include dinner and two drink tickets. There is also a cash bar.

Buy Tickets Here

Questions? Contact Cammie Liberty and Kate Quas.

PTA Meeting Friday

We hope you can join us for our April PTA meeting this Friday at 9:30am in the APR. The School Resource Officer will give a presentation on internet safety and take your questions. We have a slew of May events planned - Bike Bus, Walk-a-thon, and Field Day to name a few - and our meetings are a great way to stay in-the-know.

If you can't make our meetings, you can still get the full scoop! We post the minutes from each meeting on our website. 

Jump on board with the PTA board!

The PTA is now looking for parents interested in serving on the board for the 2024-2025 school year.   It's a great place to become more active in this vibrant community!  We are looking to fill a wide range of positions - you can see our current members here.   If interested, reach out to Karla Connors and Juliette Tiriolo.

Drop off your cans and bottles for the 5th Grade Service Project

Thank you to those of you that have been collecting cans and plastic bottles. The fifth graders will use the return money to purchase materials needed to make twist/knot blankets for childhood cancer patients!

Rinsed out deposit cans and deposit plastic bottles (no glass) can be dropped in the labeled collection box inside OHS next to the main office beginning starting today. We will collect cans and bottles through May 10.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Questions? Contact Jenn Brady, Meg Horn, or Katya Bardos

Volunteers needed to help prep for the Art Show

Come view the work of our amazing grade 3-5 artists at the Osborn Hill Art Show on May 7th from 6-8pm. We need volunteers throughout April to help organize and mount the artwork, and to help setting up and cleaning up the day of the exhibition.

--> Click here to sign up! <---

Questions? Contact Pheroza Parashar

Get Pedaling with the Osborn Hill Bike Bus

Fun, fresh air, and a flat route - the Bike Bus is coming soon!

The 1st annual Osborn Hill School Bike Bus is happening Wednesday, May 8th. Our Bike Bus route will be a breezy 2-mile journey along a mostly flat path. Riders can join the fun at any point along the way, but this map identifies four great spots to wait for us! Sign up today if you haven’t already!

Questions? Contact Rob Marshall

From the desk of Mrs. Budlowski:

Are You Moving?

If you are planning on moving, please email Mrs. Budlowski (TBudlowski@fairfieldschools.org) so she can advise on the two scenarios below.  Thanks!

  • If you are moving OUT of the OHS District and your child will NOT be attending OHS this coming school year, a request for record transfer will be sent to you for your completion.
  • If you're moving to a new address within the OHS district, you will need to make a “Change of Address” appointment with the district registration office to prove your new residency by calling the registration clerk 203-255-8398.


Summer Birthdays

If your child celebrates a summer birthday:

  • From May 1 to May 13, we will announce daily birthdays for the months of May, July and August (i.e., May 1, July 1 & August 1)
  • From May 14 to May 31, we will announce daily birthdays for the months of May, June, July and August


Your child will receive their birthday book on the above day (Saturday and Sunday birthdays are announced on Fridays). You are welcome to come in and bring a special birthday lunch during their 20-minute lunch time, stay and visit with your child sitting on an assigned table in café or just drop their birthday lunch off.

Don't forget!

A few reminders before you go:

  • Variety Show tickets will be handed out at dress rehearsal. Performers should arrive to Black Rock Church Saturday between 10:30-11am, and doors for ticket holders open at 11am. It will be a full house!
  • Yearbook orders close next week - click here to order, password is 'ozzie24'
  • Support our Odyssey of the Mind team fundraiser for their World Finals Competition
  • Check out our OHS Spiritwear store

Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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