Originally delivered on 6/10/2024 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | It's the Last Week of School!

Weekly Flash

June 10, 2024


  • Updates from Principal Hudspeth
    • Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony, Staff Retirements, Class Section Update, Report Cards
  • Thanks for supporting the 5th Grade Service Project
  • We want to hear from you! Give us feedback on PTA activities
  • Links you can use this summer
    • Reading challenge, math packets, supply lists 
  • Order your school supplies kit for next school year
  • A note from our PTA President
  • Have a great summer!
This Week

June 11: Fifth Grade moving up ceremony

June 12: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm

June 13: LAST DAY!Early Dismissal at 1:40pm

Over the Summer

June 25: OHS Night at the Fairfield Public Library (register here)

July 10 and August 14: District Family Literacy info sessions (info here)

August 26: Classroom visits (more info in August)

August 27: Back to school!

**Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!**

Dear OHS Families,

It is hard to believe we have reached our final four days of school – Please note, both the last two days of school (6/12 and 6/13) are early release days at 1:40pm. This will likely be the last principal update in the Flash for the year from me, and there is a great deal to share.

Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony Tuesday

This is an important time of year to acknowledge people moving on from our school.  On Tuesday we will be celebrating our grade 5 students advancing to their middle school careers during our Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony in the morning. The community knows this fifth grade is ready for their next chapter and wish them the best in their next steps. They will be missed!

Thank You to Families Moving On

At the Moving Up Ceremony we will recognize the families that are moving up and out of OHS with their youngest child in fifth grade. I want to thank everyone in that group as well as any other families who are moving away over the summer and will not be at OHS come fall. Thank you for all you have done for our community and I hope you take happy moments from OHS with you.

Staff Retirements

We also have some special staff members retiring this year.  I want to thank them for their years of service to our community and we wish them the very best in what they choose to do after OHS.  Both have given so much to our students and school over the years:

  • Rebecca Wicke was a grade 2 teacher this year but has taught every grade at OHS between kindergarten and third grade. Mrs. Wicke has been at OHS for 22 years after teaching in Stamford and elsewhere in Fairfield.  Mrs. Wicke is looking forward to new adventures and time with her grandkids.  

  • Sally Disilvestro, kindergarten paraeducator, has been a dedicated, caring support to our youngest students for years. Mrs. D jumps in to help wherever it is needed around the school and is quick with a smile or act of kindness.  Mrs. D deserves an enjoyable and relaxing retirement.

Congratulations, Rebecca and Sally!  We wish you the best on your next endeavors!

FLHS Senior Visit

On Monday afternoon, we are going to have a special visit of former OHS students who are graduating from high school this year.  The seniors will come by for a short parade around the school and be cheered by current students and staff and many of their former teachers.  We started this newer tradition three years ago and it has been a treat each year.

OHS Alumni Chorus

Along these lines, Laura Haskitt, with help from OHS Alum Aidan Guernsey, organized a special evening on Wednesday when former OHS students now in middle school and high school came after school to put together a concert for families of music from their time at OHS and a new piece or two.  It was a beautiful concert and touching to see so many past students and families returning to sing with Laura. It was hopefully the start of a new tradition.  Thank you, Laura!

Thank You, PTA Volunteers and PTA Presidents

The collaboration between our PTA and the school has an enormous impact on our community. Thank you to all who have given of their time and talents this year to help our PTA bring out the most for our students, families, and staff. I am continually impressed by all that the PTA does for our community. It is a gift to our school culture and to the growth and development of our students.  Thank you!

I again want to thank Rachel Parrish for all her dedication and diligence as PTA president this year. Rachel’s care for our community and willingness to advocate for our school has been a huge gift to all of us.  It has been a treat to work closely with her this past year. 

I am happy Melissa Miller will be PTA president this coming year to help with the transition of the new principal.  The PTA is in good hands.

I want to thank Jen Braun, who has organized the Flash this past year.  It is a big job that must happen every week and Jen takes great care in making sure my messages are accurate and look great, even when I get them in last minute. Thank you, Jen! 

CT Invention Convention

We had four students in the Connecticut Invention Convention at UCONN on Saturday, 6/8: Joaquin Aponte with Swaps–Book Exchange System, Liam Redgate with Liam’s Lice Lock, Nuala O’Connor with Bin Buddie, and Lilly Hoey with Bump Flush. Looking forward to hearing how it all went!

3rd Trimester Progress Reports Available Thursday Afternoon

Progress reports will be available in IC after our early dismissal on the last day of school (6/13).

24-25 Class Section Update and Placement Release

It is looking like we will have three sections of kindergarten in the 24-25 school year.  We need six more kindergarteners to enroll in order to keep four classrooms at that grade level.  For the rest of the school, we will have four sections of classrooms in grades 1, 2, and 3 and three sections in grades 4 and 5. 

With the opening in grade 2 due to Mrs. Wicke’s retirement and if we do in fact need to move down to three sections in kindergarten, Mrs. Courtney Jamison has kindly agreed to move to second grade next year. Mrs. Jamison has a close connection to grade 2, since her mom retired from many decades as a grade 2 teacher. Mrs. Jamison will be a great addition to the second-grade team.

We are currently awaiting word on our fourth grade 3 teacher.  We are expecting to welcome a teacher from another school in the district but we are awaiting final word. Final word will likely come over the summer. 

Family Literacy Showcase – 7/10 and 8/14

The district is offering some online information sessions through HMH during the summer.  There are a few options for sessions on 7/10 and 8/14. This will be information related to the resources used with the new ELA curriculum starting next school year. Please see the attached flyer for more information including how to sign up.  

Beginning of Year 24-25 Save the Date

Please note in your calendar, the kindergarten visit, new family visit, and a chance for all students to visit their new classroom and teacher will take place on Monday, August 26th, the day before school starts. Times for those visits will go out in the summer update.

Thank you again for the kind send off in the form of celebrations, letters, gifts, and kind words. I am going to miss this community more than I can express.  You can count on me thinking about all of you a great deal and knowing that because of our wonderful community of students, staff, and families, OHS will continue to be the special school I have known it to be these past decades. 


Happy Summer and best wishes to you all,


Thanks for supporting the 5th Grade Service Project

We’d like to give a heartfelt thank you to the OHS community for the generous can and bottle donations. Thanks to you all, the 5th graders raised over $400 for supplies which allowed them to make 18 fleece tie-knot blankets! The blankets will be donated to the Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital. The project was a huge success and the kids had a great time making a difference. 

Thank you all!

Jenn Brady & Meg Horn

Deadline extended! We want to hear from YOU!

We're listening! The OHS PTA is conducting a quick survey to gather feedback from our community on past and future programming. Responses are anonymous and confidential. We would like to ensure every family's voice is represented, so we encourage everyone to participate!

Click here to complete the survey by Monday, June 10 at 5pm.

Questions about the survey and results? Contact Melissa Miller.

Don't forget to check out the OHS LLC Summer page for reading, math and enrichment info!


100,000 minutes! If Osborn Hill students reach that total through the Fairfield Public Library Summer Reading Program each class will earn an extra recess in September! Join the reading challenge here.


Keep your math skills sharp! You can print out math packets for the incoming elementary grades here.

Gather your supplies

Click on your child's incoming grade to see supply lists for next school year:


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Or, let 1st Day School Supplies do the gathering for you!

Easy way to order next year's school supplies

Want to get a head start on the next school year? 1st Day School Supplies has kits ready to purchase from each grade's supply list and will deliver directly to you. Easy! Click here to purchase.

Questions? Contact Rhiannon Kelty

A note from our PTA President

As we close out the 2023-2024 school year, I want to extend my gratitude to the OHS community. We had an incredibly successful year as a PTA! Throughout the school year, you volunteered your time, energy, and resources and in doing so, you made our community stronger. Thank you, especially to Melissa Miller, who has worked closely with me and will be an incredible PTA president next year. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the ways you have been a support to me and our Family of Friends. 

- Rachel Parrish, PTA President 2023-2024

Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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