To our “Family of Friends”:
On behalf of the Osborn Hill School Parent Teacher Association (PTA), it is my pleasure to welcome all the new and returning families for the 2024-2025 school year.
It is an honor and privilege to be your PTA President this year. This is a job that I do not do alone: I am joined by an outstanding PTA Board, PTA Committee Chairs, and parent volunteers who are dedicated to ensuring our children have a wonderful experience this school year. Our current PTA Board and Committee Chairs began their term on July 1, and many of them have been hard at work this summer.
We are excited to welcome Principal Sean Smyth to our community. In less than two months, he has quickly acclimated: he has learned about all of our events; held office hours with parents; met with our PTA leadership; and attended our incoming Kindergarten play dates. Please join me in showing him some Otter-Love: we are fortunate to have him!
OHS is an incredible community of students, parents, and educators. A critical part of that is our PTA, and I am writing to encourage you to join the PTA and be involved this year.
What do your PTA membership fees fund?
By joining the PTA, your membership fees fund programs and materials that benefit all students. This includes author visits, field trips, after school activities, educational materials, birthday books for each child, school assemblies, recess equipment, STEAM night and more. Your membership also allows your child to participate in activities that happen before and after school hours like Run Club, the Variety Show, and After School Activities. The PTA also hosts many of our treasured annual events like the Harvest Faire, Turkey Trot, the Walkathon and Family Fun Night.
How can I get involved?
We will be having a volunteer drive at Tears and Cheers on the first day of school at 9 a.m. where you can sign up and learn more. There are opportunities that can fit into everyone’s schedule: both during and outside of school hours. We will also share volunteer activities through all of our communication channels.
Where can I find more information?
Stay up to date by reading and referring back to this weekly PTA newsletter, the OHS Flash. This is delivered to your email every Monday morning. It is your one-stop-shop for important dates, news, and links. We also have a fabulous OHS PTA website. Lastly, we have a Facebook page (OHS Families) and Instagram account (@OHS_Families).
Why did I get involved?
I first got involved and then joined the PTA Board when my oldest child, now a 4th grader, was in Kindergarten. It was the pandemic and an incredibly hard time to meet other parents and I was seeking connection. Being President was definitely not on my radar. But years later, I continue to be grateful for the PTA and my involvement; I have met and continue to meet such wonderful parents and have enjoyed serving our community. It is so rewarding to take part in our children's elementary school experiences.
I look forward to seeing you at the Ice Cream Social today at 3:30 p.m. or at Tears & Cheers on the first day of school (August 27) at 9:00 a.m.
I hope you join the PTA!
In community,
Melissa Miller
PTA President