This past Friday, we continued our CARES assembly series on Kindness. We met with all of the third graders and focused on “Teamwork.” Students discussed what effective teamwork looks like, why it is important, and how you can be a good teammate. We then did some fun activities in small groups involving hula hoops that required students to work as a team. Students were very engaged and will hopefully apply the skills they learned in all of their teamwork environments.
A few important reminders for this week:
This Tuesday, January 14th is an early dismissal day for students. Students will be dismissed at 1:40.
We continue our Winter NWEA testing this week. Grade 4 and 5 students should make sure they come to school with a fully charged Chromebook every day.
Acadience testing for grades K-3 begins on Wednesday, January 15th.
Please make sure you update your SDM daily with any dismissal changes.
I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead! Take care.
Sean F. Smyth, Principal