Originally delivered on 2/17/2025 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | Saturday is OHS Night at the Bridgeport Islanders

Weekly Flash

February 17, 2025


  • Updates from Principal Smyth 
  • Wednesday is OHS parents night at R1DE
  • Saturday is OHS night at the Bridgeport Islanders
  • Start saving your books for the OHS Book Swap
  • Save your recyclable cans and bottles for our 5th grade service project
  • 1 week left to buy tickets for the Sweetheart Dance
  • OHS Culture Committee presents Black History Month trivia
  • Thank you 4th graders for the staff room refresh
  • Updates on potential bus policy changes
  • February 17 - NO SCHOOL
  • February 19 - OHS Parents Night at R1DE spin studio, 6:30pm (tickets)
  • February 22 - OHS Night at the Bridgeport Islanders, 5pm (tickets)
  • February 25  - Board of Education town hall meeting, 7pm
  • February 28 - Spirit Day (shop spirit wear here)
Looking Ahead
  • March 1 - Sweetheart Dance (tickets)
  • March 4 - Early Dismissal, 1:40pm
  • March 3-7 - Reading Celebration Week
  • March 18 - Early Dismissal, 1:40pm
  • March 20 - Early Dismissal, 1:40pm
  • March 21 - Team Teddy St. Baldrick's Fundraiser, 5:30-8pm
  • April 3 - Parent Social at Boca Grille at H. Smith Richardson, 7-9pm

**Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!**

Dear OHS Families,

I hope you and your family enjoyed our winter break, and that you had a chance to rest, relax, and have some fun!

As we head back to school, we have a couple of unique happenings this week: The Fairfield Police Department will do a K-9 presentation for our grade 5 students on Thursday at 9:30 AM. This program follows the 5th graders’ completion of the SHAPE program with our SRO, Officer Felicia Clark. Also, Ms. Rahn’s class will be going on a field trip Thursday afternoon to the Fairfield Town Hall to learn the functions of our town government.

In addition, please see this opportunity for students to participate in a Fairy Tale Meet and Greet on February 23rd at FLHS at 9:30 AM or 10:30 AM (rescheduled from Super Bowl Sunday). This program is being put on by the FLHS Drama Club.

If you are participating in our community read of "The One and Only Ivan", by Katherine Applegate, please remember to keep up with the reading calendar found here in the padlet. Please also remember there is a trivia sheet in the padlet for students to complete if they want a chance at a raffle prize. It is really a great book!

I hope you all have a terrific week ahead! Take care.

Sean F. Smyth, Principal

Wednesday is OHS Parents Night at R1DE Spin Studio

R1DE spin studio in the Sportsplex is offering a class for OHS parents Wednesday, February 19 at 6:30pm. With a $15 donation to the OHS PTA, you can get your ride for free - plus a special offer of 3 classes for $49. Visit our website to submit your donation and save your spot. Walk-ins are welcome! Thanks to our OHS alumni family at R1DE for this opportunity!

Questions? Contact Diane Fields and Christine Rollo

Saturday is OHS night at the Islanders hockey game

Tickets are still available for OHS Night at the Bridgeport Islanders! Join us for the hockey game Saturday at 5pm at Total Mortgage Arena.  Our Fifth Grade Chorus will be singing during the first intermission! A small portion of ticket sales will go to the OHS PTA.

Know before you go

  • Doors open at 4pm, with puck drop at 5pm. 
  •  The City of Bridgeport parking is $18 CASH ONLY in the parking garage, and CARD preferred in the outdoor lot. 
  • When you enter the arena, stop by our table in the concourse to pick up your free hat! 
  • While you're there you can purchase tickets to the 50/50 raffle - 50% of the money goes to the winner, and the rest of the proceeds go to the OHS Fifth Graders for their end of year activities.
  • Total Mortgage Arena is a cashless venue - credit and debit are accepted.
  • Please review the arena's bag policy below - only small clutches are permitted!

Questions? Contact Kate Fierman

Start gathering your books for the Book Swap

We're getting ready for Reading Celebration Week, coming up on March 3-7. That means it's almost time for the OHS Book Swap! For the Book Swap, students bring in books that they're ready to pass along, and they'll have the opportunity to shop for "new to them" books.  Start looking through your books you'd like to swap. We'll have more details in next week's Flash!

Save your cans and bottles for our 5th grade service project

Hang onto your deposit cans and bottles! Our 5th graders will be redeeming the recyclables to raise funds for their service project.  The proceeds will be used to purchase materials to create fleece blankets for children in need. We'll have a bin set up soon to collect!

Out of room to store your cans? Contact Rachel Parrish to arrange drop off/pick up of recyclables.

Get your tickets for the OHS Sweetheart Dance

Only one week left to get your tickets for the Osborn Hill Sweetheart Dance! Tickets are on sale through February 24.

The Sweetheart Dance is Saturday, March 1. Every OHS student is invited to join the dance with one special adult (parent, caregiver, etc.). There will be a photobooth, craft area and games, hot chocolate bar and desserts, and of course, a DJ! In order to accommodate all students, the dance is divided into two sessions: 

4:30pm-6:15pm | Kindergarten - 2nd Grade students

7:15pm-9:00pm | 3rd - 5th Grade students

Learn more about ticketing options on our website!

Sweetheart Dance volunteers and dessert donations needed

  • We are looking for cupcakes, cookies and other nut-free treats to fill our dessert table. Bonus points if they are star themed! Click here to sign up.
  • There are still some open spots for setup, cleanup, and during the dance. Volunteers will receive an extra photobooth voucher to 'jump to the head of the line." Click here to volunteer.

Any questions? Reach out to the Sweetheart Dance Committee (Rebecca Hasiotis, Eva Elinskas, Livia Gillespie, and Marcia Lyman). 

Celebrate Black History Month with our trivia activity

Fairfield Public Schools is recognizing and celebrating Black History Month in February. In celebration of Black History Month, the OHS Culture Committee is holding a trivia activity. Send a screenshot of your completed trivia to ohsculturecommittee@gmail.com by March 1 to receive a prize! 

Questions? Contact the OHS Culture Committee

Download and print trivia HERE!
Thank you 4th grade families for teacher's lounge restock

A big thank you to our 4th grade families who contributed to our February staff lounge refresh! While we will still celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week in May, we have been spreading the cheer throughout the school year with each grade taking a month contributing to the lounge. Thank you to Kim Dragovic, Dana Zuskin, Maria McKeon, Tanya Dunne, Danielle Brower and our 4th grade Room Parents for coordinating! 

Update on potential bus policy changes

We've been following the potential change to the bus policy for Fairfield schools, which would increase the boundary for elementary walkers to those who live 1 mile from school. The Transportation Policy has not been updated by the Board of Education as of yet. This is an ongoing discussion that will take place over the next several months as the 2025-2026 school budget makes it way to other town boards for approval. If you have concerns or questions, we encourage you to attend the next Board of Education meeting on February 25th at 7pm at 501 Kings Highway East. It will be a town hall style meeting, where you will be able to engage in dialogue with board members.

Any questions? Contact our OHS PTA Board of Education Rep Jean Shurman

Have news to share? Email Jen Braunby 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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