Originally delivered on 9/16/2024 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | Run Club Starts Friday!

Weekly Flash

September 16, 2024


  • Updates from Principal Smyth 
  • Run Club starts this week! Join us Fridays at 8am.
  • Variety Show info call for new families tonight (join here)
  • Author Jerry Pallotta to visit grades K-3, order your autographed book
  • Committee Chair positions available
  • Update your child's class in in the PTA directory
  • Tip of the Week - what letter day is it? 2 ways to find out
  • Preview the Harvest Faire raffle - tickets on sale October 1
  • Save the date for the OHS Harvest Faire on October 26
  • September 16 - Variety Show zoom call for new families, 7pm
  • September 17 - Early Dismissal @1:40pm
  • September 20 - Run Club, 8am
  • September 27 -Spirit Day
  • October 3 - NO SCHOOL
  • October 4 - Jerry Pallotta book orders due
  • October 15-18 - Fall Book Fair
  • October 17 - PTA Meeting, 7pm
  • October 22 - Author Jerry Pallotta visits grades K-3
  • October 26 - Harvest Faire 1-5pm

**Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!**

Dear OHS Families,

It has been a fabulous week at Osborn Hill!  We had beautiful weather for Picture Day and for the grade 5 field trip to Mill River.  I heard a great deal of positive feedback about Open House from both parents and teachers.  And, we had a terrific turnout for our first PTA meeting!  Thank you all for your active involvement in the school.  Your efforts really strengthen our school, and your participation will have a direct, positive impact on your children.

Next week is not quite as busy, as we continue to get more into a rhythm with the school year.  We do have an early dismissal on Tuesday, 9/17/24 at 1:40 pm, but other than that it should be a fairly typical week.  Here are some important notices/reminders:

  • We are entering our second week of NWEA testing. Please remember to make sure your students are charging their Chromebooks every night (grades 3-5 only) as it makes the login and testing process smoother. 

  • Reminder: Fairfield Public Schools is pleased to offer you a protection plan for your Grade 3-12 child’s Chromebook or laptop. The annual fee is $30 for a Chromebook and $50 for a laptop, and will cover two incidents of damage, including loss. Damage to a Chromebook could be a cracked screen, a keyboard with missing keys, or other issues. Insurance enrollment will end October 1. For additional information click here.

  • Some parents get overwhelmed with the number of Parent Square messages.  Please note there is an option to get all of your notifications daily at a specific time.  If there is an urgent message, we will override that feature, and you will get the message immediately.  Please click on this link for instructions to set up that feature.  Scroll down to “Change Your Notification Settings for Posts.”

Have a wonderful week!  Take care.

Sean F. Smyth, Principal

On your mark, get set, Run Club starts Friday!

Osborn Hill Run Club is back!  This year we will meet weekly on Friday mornings at 8:00am on the black top in the back by the gym.  Our Fall session will meet from 9/20 - 11/22 and conclude with our annual Turkey Trot on 11/26!  To participate in Run Club your family must be current PTA members.

What happens at Run Club?

We will do a quick warm up and then the kids will run (or walk) on the back field.  We will finish with a cool down and stretch and be ready for the first bell at 8:45.  No running experience necessary.  Our Run Club is all about getting our kids outside, moving their bodies and having fun. Each week our runners will collect motivational tokens for their participation.

Back this year: Mileage Club!

This year we are continuing with Mileage Club which will allow our runners to track their progress through a QR code lap tracker.  In order for your student to receive their personal Mileage Club Card, your family MUST be a member of the PTA.Once you are registered your child can attend as many times as you'd like while Run Club is in session.

Want to join the fun? Click here to sign up!

Please note that there is no access to the school during Run Club. All runners are expected to stay on the back field with the group during Run Club.  If your child is comfortable and fully engaged in the program, you may drop off.  If you stay during Run Club, please do not park in the back or side parking lots.  Parents are encouraged to participate if they would like to join.  A change of shoes is recommended on Run Club days.  

Any questions? Contact Courtney Cataldo.

New Families - Join the Variety Show Zoom Tonight

Are you new to the OHS Variety Show?  We'd love to tell you all about it! We'll be holding an informational Zoom meeting geared towards families of first-time participants tonight - September 16 at 7pm. We can give you an overview of the show, we will show clips from previous years, and you can ask questions. 

 Click here to join the meeting!

Questions? Contact The Variety Show Committee

Author Jerry Pallotta visits K-3 in October

Get ready grades K-3!!! Jerry Pallotta, author of the Who Would Win series, will be visiting on October 22nd.

Book order forms will be going home this week in your child's backpack to pre-order signed copies of Jerry Pallotta's books. Please return the order forms to the office by October 4th

Questions? Contact Kate Fierman

Committee Chair Positions Available

Want to be more involved in our OHS community? We have the job for you! We have three committee chair openings that we'd love your help with:

  • Reflections Chair - Last year for the first time, Osborn Hill students took part in the National PTA Reflections Art competition - where students can submit their own music, writing, videos, drawings and paintings for a chance to continue to the state and national competition. We were blown away by the creativity of our Otters - you can check out their submissions here! We'd love to continue the program this year, and need a parent coordinator to help collect submissions and assemble a judging panel.
  • Odyssey of the Mind Chair - Odyssey of the Mind is an international program where students learn to use their natural creativity to become problem-solvers. We had two Otters compete in a Fairfield-wide team last year at the world championships. If there are students interested, we'd need a coach to lead the effort.
  • One Book, One School Chair - Let's read together! We have been offered copies of The One and Only Ivan from another school in town.  We need a volunteer to coordinate video readings and activities.

If you're interested or have any questions, contact our Volunteer Coordinators.

Update your child's class in the PTA directory

All PTA members have access to the OHS PTA directory, which can be found on our website or on the Membership Toolkit mobile app. You can search by child's name, parent's name, even by grade and teacher!  

We've noticed some parents have not updated their child's new grade and teacher after renewing their PTA registration this year. Help us keep our reports accurate, and let us help your student's new friends be able to find you! It's a quick fix:

  • log into our website - ohspta.com
  • click on "My Account" on the top banner and select "My Forms/Paperwork"
  • Continue to "Family Information", and on the second page you'll be able to adjust your child's grade and teacher.

Thank you for your help!

Now I Know my A,B,C Days

Is today B day or C day? Do I need to pack sneakers or my recorder? Knowing the letter days of the week will help decode what special your child should be prepared for. Here are two ways to find out what letter is today:

1) Log into Infinite Campus and select "Calendar". You'll see the day listed on the right:

2) Print out this calendar on the Fairfield Public Schools site. Just remember to check for an updated version if there are any changes in the school schedule!

Harvest Faire Raffle - Sneak Peek at the Prizes!

This year's Harvest Faire Raffle has some amazing prizes up for grabs - here's a sneak peek at some of the offerings!

  • A Robot Making Class for winner and 5 friends from Brooklyn Robot Foundry
  • Play ball! 4 tickets to a 2025 Yankee Game
  • Have your kids ride in style on a TREK Precaliber 20 Coaster Bike
  • Sparkle with a pair of earrings from Rowan

And much, much more! You'll see the full slate of baskets when tickets go on sale October 1st.  They'll be on sale on our website from October 1-23, and you can buy them in person during the Harvest Faire.  Tickets will be drawn at the end of the Harvest Faire on October 26 - you do not need to be present to win!

Do you have a prize to offer?

We are still collecting raffle prizes - it's a great way to promote a business and support our school! Raffle ideas are needed by September 25, with the physical items due October 18. We're also in need of baskets to hold the prizes. If you can help with any of these contact Ali Galperin or Eileen Ainsworth.

Save the Date: Harvest Faire is October 26

It's our first BIG community event of the year - save the date for the OHS Harvest Faire on October 26! Ticket sales and volunteer signups will open September 30.

Have news to share? Email Jen Braunby 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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