Originally delivered on 9/23/2024 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | Shop our Spiritwear Pop-Up Thursday

Weekly Flash

September 23, 2024


  • Updates from Principal Smyth 
    • After School Activities start this week - don't forget to adjust your dismissal plan on SDM!
  • Shop our spiritwear pop-up Thursday at dismissal
  • Friday is Spirit Day
  • Dress in pink and donate for Pink Pledge Day on Oct. 10
  • Variety Show act registration is open
  • Author Jerry Pallotta to visit grades K-3, order your autographed book
  • Committee Chair positions available
  • Preview the Harvest Faire raffle - tickets on sale October 1
  • Save the date for the OHS Harvest Faire on October 26
Coming Soon
  • September 26 - Spiritwear Pop-Up, 3:15-4pm
  • September 27 -Spirit Day
  • September 30 - Harvest Faire tickets on sale
  • October 1 - Deadline for Chromebook insurance
  • October 1 - Harvest Faire Raffle tickets on sale
  • October 3 - NO SCHOOL
  • October 4 - Jerry Pallotta book orders due

Looking Ahead
  • October 7 - Variety Show act registration due
  • October 10 - Pink Day
  • October 14 - Variety Show music submissions open, 12pm
  • October 15-18 - Fall Book Fair
  • October 17 - PTA Meeting, 7pm
  • October 22 - Author Jerry Pallotta visits grades K-3
  • October 26 - Harvest Faire 1-5pm

**Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!**

Dear OHS Families,

I hope you are all doing well!  We had a great week at school!  

Our staff engaged in very helpful professional development on our new reading curriculum after Tuesday’s early dismissal, led by our amazing Language Arts Specialist, Colleen Morello. It is quite a process learning a new literacy curriculum, but Colleen is providing excellent leadership, and the teachers are working very hard to master the new materials and strategies.

Run Club started this past Friday morning and there was a terrific turnout!  If your child is not currently participating, you can sign up on the PTA website.  Thank you to the PTA, especially the Run Club chairs and volunteers, for organizing and leading the Run Club.  There will be another session this Friday at 8:00 AM (weather permitting).

After School Activities (ASA) start up this week.  If your child is participating in ASA, please be sure to update your School Dismissal Manager to reflect the change in dismissal.

Have a wonderful week!  Take Care.

Sean F. Smyth, Principal

Shop our Spiritwear Pop-Up Thursday at dismissal!

Calling all shoppers! Come visit our OHS Spiritwear pop-up shop this Thursday from 3:15pm-4pm at the main entrance. Otter stuffies are back in stock, and we'll have beaded bracelets, keychains, and limited sizes of t-shirts just in time for Spirit Day on Friday. We accept cash, check, Venmo or Zelle. 

Shop our cool weather collection online
Can't make the pop-up? We have plenty of apparel options for sale online. Get ready for fall with long sleeved and hoodie spiritwear options available for purchase anytime on our Puddlebear shop.

Any questions? Contact Christine Pinto or Cammie Liberty

Friday is Spirit Day

This Friday is Osborn Hill Spirit Day! We encourage students to show their OHS pride by wearing green or their favorite Osborn Hill spiritwear.  Spirit Day is held the last Friday of each month. 

Pink Pledge Day on October 10

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On October 10th, OHS will celebrate Pink Day to promote awareness and to raise funds for the Norma Pfriem Breast Center. We are asking that each child brings in $1 to donate, and dress in pink. We'll also have a visit from the Pink Car. The "Pinkest" class and the class who collects the most funds on October 10th will have an opportunity to view the Pink Car and take a class photo. 

How can I donate?

We're asking students to bring in $1 on October 10. If you'd like to contribute to the Pink Pledge as well, please click below anytime to donate online:


Questions? Contact Kate Fierman

Variety Show - it's time to register your act!

If you already have your group for the Variety Show, there's no need to wait until October 7th to let us know! Email the Variety Show Committee at ohsvarietyshow2025@gmail.com  to register your act, or if you'd like to be a stagehand or narrator. Please list all the children in your group and include their classrooms. If you have a group name, it would be great to include that too! Thanks for helping us get the ball rolling with registration. 

Music requests open on October 14

Just a reminder - no music requests can be submitted until October 14 at 12pm. We want to give everyone a little bit of time to figure out what they’d like to do. Thanks for understanding!  

Author Jerry Pallotta visits K-3 in October

Get ready grades K-3!!! Jerry Pallotta, author of the Who Would Win series, will be visiting on October 22nd.

Forms were sent home last week in your child's backpack to pre-order signed copies of Jerry Pallotta's books. Please return the order forms to the office by October 4th

Questions? Contact Kate Fierman

Committee Chair Positions Available

Want to be more involved in our OHS community? We have the job for you! We have three committee chair openings that we'd love your help with:

  • Reflections Chair - Last year for the first time, Osborn Hill students took part in the National PTA Reflections Art competition - where students can submit their own music, writing, videos, drawings and paintings for a chance to continue to the state and national competition. We were blown away by the creativity of our Otters - you can check out their submissions here! We'd love to continue the program this year, and need a parent coordinator to help collect submissions and assemble a judging panel.
  • Odyssey of the Mind Chair - Odyssey of the Mind is an international program where students learn to use their natural creativity to become problem-solvers. We had two Otters compete in a Fairfield-wide team last year at the world championships. If there are students interested, we'd need a coach to lead the effort.
  • One Book, One School Chair - Let's read together! We have been offered copies of The One and Only Ivan from another school in town.  We need a volunteer to coordinate video readings and activities.

If you're interested or have any questions, contact our Volunteer Coordinators.

Harvest Faire Raffle - Sneak Peek at the Prizes

Tickets go on sale next week for the Harvest Faire raffle - and we have some great prizes lined up! Here's just a sample of what we have in store: 

  • Children’s Art Class - 2 winners will receive a 3 month scholarship for art classes
  • Golf Lounge 18 - Winner receives 2 hours of tee time for a foursome at the state of the art facility
  • Downtown Cabaret Theatre - 2 winners will receive a $50 gift certificate
  • 60 Minute Facial at The Delmar Spa
  • Kelli and Crew - Coin purse & $25 gift card

And much, much more! You'll see the full slate of baskets when tickets go on sale October 1st.  They'll be on sale on our website from October 1-23, and you can buy them in person during the Harvest Faire.  Tickets will be drawn at the end of the Harvest Faire on October 26.

Last call for prizes

Last call! If you'd like to submit prizes for this year's Harvest Faire Raffle, contact Ali Galperin or Eileen Ainsworth by Wednesday, September 25.

It's our first BIG community event of the year - save the date for the OHS Harvest Faire on October 26! Ticket sales and volunteer signups will open September 30.

Have news to share? Email Jen Braunby 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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