Originally delivered on 1/6/2025 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Weekly Flash | Variety Show artwork submissions due today

Weekly Flash

January 6, 2025


  • Updates from Principal Smyth 
  • Variety Show - artwork due, tickets sales end Friday
  • Read along with One Book, One School in February - books available!
  • Volunteers needed to lead Reading Celebration Week March 3-7
  • Learn about next year's open board and committee positions at our PTA Zoom meeting Jan. 16
  • Registration open for 2025-2026 Kindergarteners
  • Service opportunities in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • FPL Winter Reading challenge starts today
Coming Soon
  • January 6  - Deadline to submit Variety Show program artwork
  • January 9 - Grades 4&5 Orchestra and Grade 5 Chorus winter concerts
  • January 14 - Early Dismissal @1:40pm
  • January 16 - PTA Meeting @9pm on Zoom
  • January 18 - Service project at Fridgeport 
Looking Ahead
  • January 20- NO SCHOOL
  • January 21 - Author Chris Grabenstein visits Gr 3-5
  • January 24 - Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
  • January 25 - Variety Show, 2pm
  • January 31 - Spirit Day
  • February 3 - 100th Day of School (scheduled)
  • SAVE THE DATE! February 22 - OHS Night at the Bridgeport Islanders
Click here for a printer-friendly list of 2025's key dates!

**Follow us on OHS Families Facebook & OHS_Families Instagram to stay in the know, and check out our OHS PTA website!**

Dear OHS Families,

Happy New Year! I hope you and your families enjoyed the holiday season and the break from school. We had a very short week last week, but it actually worked out well that the children were able to ease back into their school routines with a two-day week. 

You all should have received my Parent Square this past Thursday regarding lice concerns that were brought to my attention over break. Linked here is the message I sent on Thursday in case you missed it. If you have not already, please click the link embedded in my message and read the health department letter. As the health department letter states, regular home lice checks are the best way to prevent the spread of lice, and there is a video linked in the health department letter that tells you how to check for lice and how to treat for lice. Please follow the guidelines in the letter, and if you have any questions, please call our school nurse at 203-255-7804.

A few important reminders for this week:

  • Winter NWEA testing starts today. Mrs. Day sent home a Parent Square last week with information on testing. Grade 4 and 5 students should make sure they come to school with a fully charged Chromebook for the next two weeks. 

  • This Thursday, January 9th is our 4th Grade Orchestra Winter Concert, and our 5th Grade Orchestra and Chorus Winter Concert. Below is the schedule:

    • 9:30am Concert for Grades Gr 1-3 in APR (for students only)

    • 5:30pm Grade 4 orchestra students arrive for tuning

    • 6:00pm Concert for 4th grade Orchestra for Parents in APR

    • 6:40pm 5th grade orchestra students arrive for tuning. 

    • 6:45pm 5th grade chorus students can report.

    • 7:00pm: 5th grade Orchestra and Chorus Concert for Parents in APR

  • Please make sure you update your SDM daily with any dismissal changes.

I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead! Take care.

Sean F. Smyth, Principal

Variety Show: program art due today, ticket sales end Friday

Calling all artists! Today is the deadline to submit your artwork to appear in the Variety Show program. It's a wonderful opportunity for children who are not involved in the show to participate. All of the submissions will be posted on the new PTA Bulletin Board right across from the APR (just by the bathrooms)! Art should be done on white paper in a black sharpie (regular or fine point, both work), and can be brought to the office.

Ticket sales end Friday

There are still tickets available for the Variety Show! Performers and non-performers can buy as many tickets as you need. Tickets are $18 each which includes credit card processing and transaction fees. They'll remain on sale until Friday. Handicap tickets are available - contact ohsvarietyshow2025@gmail.com if needed.

Purchase Tickets on our website

Any questions? Contact the Variety Show Committee.

Read Along with One Book, One School

One Book, One School is an opportunity to create a shared reading experience within our entire school community where we all read the same book at the same time. In February, we will read "The One and Only Ivan" together, spread out over the course of the month.  Participation only involves 15-30 minutes a night - reading along with a brief 10-15 page segment and working on any accompanying activities/questions that make sense for your child's age and interest level. We will pair this with in-school programming where possible.

Would you like to read with us?
The PTA has a number of books available to share. Click here by Tuesday to let us know if you'd like to participate, and if you need a book! 

Guidance for parents of younger readers

While the book is marketed for ages 8-12 and suggested read aloud at earlier ages, there are some mature themes that may be challenging for some children related to animal cruelty and loss.  Parents may want to consider previewing selections of the content to ensure they are comfortable sharing with their child first and/or carve out time to talk about any difficult themes with them afterwards.  Abbreviated picture book versions of the book can be found that may be more suitable for some K-1 students.  

Any questions? Contact Jen Ruwisch or Lauren Castaneda.

Volunteers needed to lead Reading Celebration Week

Help wanted! We are searching for a volunteer or team to lead Reading Celebration Week, which takes place March 3-7. Responsibilities include planning simple activities and games to encourage students' love of books. It's a great role for someone who is passionate about getting kids to read and has a touch of creativity. This position typically consults with Ms. Kosh. 

Interested? Contact Courtney Cataldo and Katie McHale.

PTA meeting next Thursday on Zoom

Interested in joining the OHS PTA Board or becoming a committee chair next school year? You'll want to dial into our next PTA meeting! We hope you can join us virtually on January 16 at 9pm on Zoom. After a quick update on upcoming events we'll share info about the Board positions and major committees that will have openings next year. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Here's a look at our meeting schedule for the rest of the year:

Questions? Contact Melissa Miller

Kindergarten Registration now open for 2025-2026

Registration has started on January 6th for incoming kindergarten students to attend Osborn Hill School this fall. If you did not receive an email from Mrs. Budlowski this past week regarding the procedures for registration, please email her at TBudlowski@fairfieldschools.org with your future KDG student’s name, date of birth and the preschool they attend so the registration procedures can be emailed to you.  

Service project in honor of MLK Day

Based on parent feedback, the OHS Culture (formerly IDEA) Committee is partnering with teams from Burr and Dwight for a service project at Fridgeport food pantry in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

How can I participate? 

  1. Donate: We will collect non-perishable and personal hygenie donations at a box in the main hallway through next Friday, January 17. 
  2. Volunteer: On Saturday, January 18, families have the opportunity to volunteer at Fridgeport at 10am to organize donations and assemble meal kits. Kids must be at least 5 years old. Space is limited, so please email ohsidea@gmail.com if you are interested in attending.  
  3. Submit a Note or Drawing: We'll also be accepting notes or drawings centered on the themes of hope and positivity to include in the meal kits. You can print out a template here, and return your submission to the office. 

Any questions? Contact the OHS Culture Committee

Have news to share? Email Jen Braunby 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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